College Football Ranking

2024 Season. Including games through November 30th, 2024.

Generated by wpDataTables

N = Net. The network. Teams in the same network are connected through games

R = Ranking, the overall position by MOV

MOV() = Margin Of Victory, the pure value transferred by the score difference. A more “predictive” ranking, will be best to predict future results.

WTA = Winner Takes All, a win is a win, a loss is a loss. A more “retrodictive” ranking, will be best to explain past results.

LOG = a ranking mixing WTA and MOV. Calculated with the ln(MOV).

SOSChed = Strength of Schedule, average MOV of opponents

eSOSChed = External Strength of Schedule, average MOV of opponents not from the team’s conference

Offense = Offensive strength

Defense = Defensive strength

This is a Google Sheets view: College Football Ranking.

This is, more or less, how we do it:

Also, check out our college basketball ranking.

college football ranking

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