FU Money

Hello, brave souls and fellow seekers of the almighty FU Money. You’ve stumbled upon my little corner of the internet where I share tales of my quest for the ultimate financial freedom. If you’re expecting a dry, step-by-step guide, you’ve taken a wrong turn somewhere. But if you’re here for a sprinkle of wit on a bed of honest finance advice, grab your favorite beverage and settle in.

FU Money
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Selling Tradelines: My experience

In the past three years, my financial landscape has been significantly reshaped by an unexpected (ad)venture: selling tradelines. This journey wasn’t just a sideline hustle; it became a pivotal part of my financial strategy, offering insights into credit markets, personal finance, and the dynamics of credit score improvement. In this post, I’ll share my firsthand experience, the lessons learned, and the strategies that worked (and didn’t) in the world of tradelines. Whether you’re considering selling tradelines yourself or simply curious about this niche financial practice, join me as I unpack the layers of this journey.

selling tradelines
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“Set for Life” Book review

In an era where financial security is as coveted as it is elusive, “Set for Life” by Scott Trench emerges as a beacon for those yearning to break free from paycheck-to-paycheck living. It is more than just a manual; it’s a philosophical guide that entices readers to reevaluate their financial paths. This review delves deep into the essence of Trench’s work, extracting the cerebral concepts that make this “Set for Life” book a must-read for anyone serious about sculpting a robust financial future.

set for life book
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The Way to Wealth by Benjamin Franklin (book review)

Welcome, dear readers, to a review of the timeless classic, “The Way to Wealth” by the multi-talented Benjamin Franklin. Prepare to embark on a journey through the pages of this remarkable book as we uncover its relevance even in the fast-paced world of today. Franklin’s witticisms, coupled with his profound wisdom, provide an engaging roadmap to financial success. So, let’s dive in and explore three quotes that encapsulate the essence of this literary gem, along with three key insights and surprising concepts that remain applicable in our modern lives.

the way to wealth
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“The Richest Man in Babylon” quotes

Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Do you dream of financial independence and building wealth? If so, you’re not alone. Many people want to know the secrets of wealth building but don’t know where to start. Luckily, there’s a book that can help: “The Richest Man in Babylon” by George S. Clason.

The Richest Man in Babylon quotes
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