Where can I buy a tradeline?

It is a fact that no one knows precisely how the credit scoring algorithm works because it is a secret. Attempts to understand the way credit scores work have resulted in many inferences, correlations, and speculations. Buying a tradeline helps you to improve your credit. Therefore, purchasing a credit line can be very beneficial. Still, you may be wondering, ‘where can I buy a tradeline?

Keeping track of all activity on an account is easy with a tradeline on a borrower’s credit report. A tradeline contains information about the creditor, the lender, and the type of credit provided. An important aspect of trade lines is the payment status.

Most people want their credit reports to be as good as possible. You do not see the addition of an authorized user to your credit report when you purchase authorized user tradelines on a credit card. With some exceptions, your credit report contains information about the entire history of your account. 

where can i buy a tradeline

You will get your answer in this article, but before telling you where can I buy a tradeline? First, let’s talk about what a tradeline is. And why should you purchase a tradeline?

What is a tradeline?

I have already written about this in an earlier post. Generally, a tradeline is an account that appears on a credit report. It is possible to have multiple tradelines. Credit-reporting bureaus, such as TransUnion, receive trade-line information from lenders or financial institutions. These tradelines can affect credit scores for consumers.

A tradeline includes the following types of accounts:

  • Installment accounts: A loan with fixed payments, such as a car loan.
  • Open accounts: Accounts in which the buyer pays in full after receiving the goods.
  • Revolving accounts: These include credit cards and retail cards.
  • Mortgage accounts: Contracts involving real estate purchase, such as a house.

How Can Tradelines Help?

By enhancing your credit score, tradelines allow you to reap all the rewards a good credit score can bring you. Credit cards, loan plans, and mortgage rates will be higher if you don’t have a good credit score.

Where it’s essential to know where can I buy a tradeline. It’s also equally important to understand what tradelines to buy.

What tradelines to buy?

In general, you should add tradelines that are better than those you currently have on your credit report in terms of credit limit and age. The increase in tradelines may help you achieve a higher utilization ratio if you currently have a high utilization rate.

In addition, you should know how old your accounts are on average. If you want to increase the average age of your accounts, you should only add tradelines that can give you the most benefit. Shortly, the more seasoned your credit, the better.

Now let’s discuss the main topic of our discussion, “where can I buy a tradeline?

Where can I buy a tradeline?

Tradelines are available from tradeline companies. The idea is that you can, essentially, gain access to someone else’s credit. Basically, a tradeline allows you to add yourself to someone else’s credit. Increasing your credit score using a tradeline company is legal, and the law does not prohibit it. 

You can buy a tradeline online from different tradeline companies. However, finding the best tradeline company is a challenge, in particular, because scams plague the credit industry.

In response to your question: “Where can I buy a tradeline?” we have put together a list of three of the best tradelines sites out there: 

  • Tradeline Supply 
  • BoostCredit101
  • CreditPro

Tradeline Supply Company

Tradeline Supply Company was one of the pioneers. It was among the first companies to offer 100% online tradeline buying services. This allows for more affordable prices since buying tradelines is expensive.

In addition to empowering consumers with financial education, Tradeline Supply helps boost their credit score with purchased tradelines while building better financial habits.

Tradeline Supply takes top honors because of its affordability, reputation, and expertise.


You’re guaranteed to receive your tradeline within 60 days of purchasing it with BoostCredit101. However, the average time is two weeks.

If the tradeline fails to report to two credit bureaus, BoostCredit101 provides a full refund or replacement.


CreditPro has been around since 2007 and has a lot of experience compared to other tradeline companies today. 

As a wholesaler selling to financial advisors, the company claims to have the lowest prices in the industry, saving their consumers up to 60% on purchased tradelines.


Lastly, if you consider buying a tradeline to improve your credit score and wonder, “Where can I buy a tradeline?” you can select one of the above three tradeline companies.

Shameless plug

If you are not convinced by any of those options you can always buy my tradelines on eBay here. [2022 Edit] I am now selling the tradelines on this very site here. If you want to sell your tradelines here please contact me.

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