Tradelines on credit report

Tradelines are lines of credit that you have and will show in your credit report. Being added as a user on a card will get the card added to your report. If that card has a high credit limit or has been open for long, then your credit report will look much stronger. Your credit score will go up as a result. You can buy tradelines from our site and many others.

tradelines on credit report

What is a credit report

A credit report is a breakdown of your credit history compiled by a credit bureau. Credit bureaus collect financial information about you and create credit reports based on that information, and lenders use the reports along with other details to determine your creditworthiness.

In the United States there are three major credit reporting bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.

What is a credit score

A credit score is a single number that estimates your creditworthiness based on the information in the credit report. It usually ranges between 300 and 850. Some versions range from 300 to 900. The higher the score, the better the credit.

Tradelines on credit report

The credit report (and the credit score) include all the lines of credit corresponding to the person (identified by te SSN). Tradelines on credit report are credit cards, loans, mortgages. Interestingly it will also include “secondary tradelines” that are, in the context of this piece, that credit cards belonging to other people to which the person in the report has been added as an authorized user. If the credit lines are good enough (with high limits, or opened for a long time) will improve the credit score of the person added. You can ask friends or family that they add you to their credit cards as an authorized user. You can also pay to be added to the cards of people that put their tradelines for sale. We connect sellers and buyers on this site here.


The following is a list of resources to start learning about tradelines. We have a list of tradelines for sale, and a tradelines FAQ. Also various posts about tradelines, and a chart of tradeline prices from competitor sites. Finally, a contact form to ask further questions.

Please feel welcome to ask any questions below.

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