$100 Tradelines

Buy tradelines for $100 with confidence from our site using the coupon code that you can find right here below right now

$100 Tradelines
$100 Tradelines

What is a Tradeline?

A tradeline is an account that appears on your credit report. This includes loans, credit cards, utilities, cell phones, mortgages, auto leases, and more. Here we sell credit card tradelines.

Read more about tradelines from Investopedia.

How can I offer $100 tradelines?

I am cutting the middleman. These tradelines at $100 I regularly sell at $199 and are on my own credit cards. Tradeline companies usually pay around $125 for tradelines similar to these and charge buyers $350+. A really hefty markup if you ask me. I started selling through the regular channels and saw very low volumes, on top of seeing how they kept 70% of the sales proceeds. Then I started selling on eBay but I was doing too well, eBay noticed and banned my account for selling. So here we are. Use this opportunity to your advantage.

Coupon Code

Find any tradelines with a regular price under $200 and use coupon code 100TL in the shopping cart to get a fixed $100 price.

Buying and adding a good tradeline to your credit report will help your credit utilization and average account age.

Credit utilization

Credit utilization is the percentage of your credit limit that you use. If your credit limits are $5,000 and you charge $3,000 on those cards, then your utilization rate would be 60 percent. The lower your utilization rate, the higher your score will be—but keep in mind that this isn’t an exact science: some cards may not report their balance information to the bureaus (like some store cards). It’s best to check with each one individually before applying for any new ones with them.

Average account age

The average account age is the average number of months for all accounts on your credit report. This can be calculated as the sum of all the months that each account has been open and divided by the number of accounts

For example, if you have three credit cards with a total balance of $3,000 and they were opened 0, 15, and 12 months ago, respectively. Their respective averages are thus 27/3 = 7.5 months (the middle value).


Here is a list of resources to get started: we have a list of tradelines for sale, a tradelines FAQ, various posts about tradelines, a chart of tradeline prices from competitor sites, and a contact form to ask further questions.

Also, feel welcome to ask questions below.

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