Movies about nomads

As I was planning (daydreaming) about my always-postponed digital nomad life I watched, on a plane, of all places, the movie “Nomadland”. The movie is not really about a digital nomad but a “regular” nomad. It won the Oscar(!?) and it is an interesting movie. But it made me think again about life on the road and the movies that portray it. My two favorites by far are “Into the wild” (I also have the book but never read it) and “The motorcycle diaries”.

Movies about nomads
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Italy Digital Nomad Visa

Since I have Italian roots and I had dreamed for a while to live and maybe even work there, I explore here the Italian digital nomad visa. It turns out there is no “Italy digital nomad visa”, but I will try to find alternatives.

A digital nomad is someone who works remotely, often while traveling, using the power of technology to conduct their job from anywhere in the world with an internet connection. Digital nomads come from a variety of industries and backgrounds, including writing, graphic design, web development, marketing, and more.

italy digital nomad visa
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