“How many days in five months” is a very strange question to write a post about but I am learning about SEO (Search Engine Optimization). And using Ahrefs keyword research tool I found out the question is a very good keyword to target. At the end, I explain how to calculate it using Excel (or any spreadsheet).
This is what Google tells us:

Not sure why this is a very popular question. Five months is not a period that means much as far as I know. I know three months is a quarter and six months is a semester. Nine months is a pregnancy and even four months is about an academic semester. Nothing lasts five months. But anyways we are going to try to answer it.
How many days is five months
- Google’s answer is 152.083 days. Which is as they say just 5 times 30.417. And they use this number because it is nothing but 365/12 (as in 365 days divided by 12 months).
- I would have said it is just 150 days. Plain and simple 39 days in a mont times 5. Next question?
- If we want to get analytical we can see that the answer may depend on when we are asking the question. Or actually depend on what month we are asking about. For instance, if we are in January we can say five months (forward) is 151 days. Adding the 31 days in January + 28 in February + 31 in March + 30 in April + 31 in May. Doing the same for every month we get the following:

Interestingly we see that the answer can be either 150, 151, or 153 but not 152.
- If we do the same for a year before a leap year we get this instead:

So the answer changes a bit and now could be 151, 152, or 153. Now 152 is possible!
- If you want to calculate it in Excel you probably want to know what date is 5 months from now, and of course you have a specific date in mind, you can write this formula:
If the date is in cell A1, then you use this formula:=EDATE(A1,5)
- In Google Sheets, you can use the same formula
Anywhoo, I hope you found this interesting.
Please add comments or errors spotted below.
PS What lasts 5 months?