Two lessons from Diego Maradona’s life

Maradona died a few days ago and I was surprised by how sad the news made me. He was the best soccer player of his generation, and then some. One of the best ever, if not the best.

He had a long career on and off the field and many ups and downs in both. He ran into trouble several times because he was a rebel and disliked authority very much (hmm I just discovered one thing we had in common). I am not a soccer expert (heck, I am not an expert at anything, I am kind of lost after all) but I drew two lessons from all the memories I just reminisced about in the last couple of days and all the comments I heard and read.

diego maradona
diego maradona
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“Early Retirement Extreme” review

Are you tired of working for the man and dreaming of an early retirement? Look no further than “Early Retirement Extreme” by Jacob Lund Fisker. This book is not your typical personal finance guide. It’s an unconventional approach to achieving financial independence and retiring early.

early retirement extreme review

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The business of busyness

Let’s face it, we live in a culture that glorifies busyness. The business of busyness. It’s as if being busy is a badge of honor that we wear with pride. We fill our schedules to the brim with meetings, appointments, and endless to-do lists. But why? Are we really accomplishing anything or are we just spinning our wheels?

the business of busyness
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